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Testersuite Update - January 2018

January 22, 2018
Testersuite update webinar

Update webinar

To best support our customers, we host a Testersuite update webinar four times a year. In addition to the bi-weekly release notes, during the webinar we show how new features work and participants can ask questions via the chat function. We also provide additional explanations of existing features during the webinar and have a regular "Tips & Tricks" section. The topics covered during the January 18 webinar included the following:

  • Working with user groups (managing groups, assigning tasks to groups, etc.)
  • Browse detail screens
  • Upload screen shots and easily edit images

Are you a customer of Testersuite? Then mark the next Testersuite Update in your calendar: April 12, 2018 (we start at 2:00 pm).


Want to know more about these topics? Watch the recording of the webinar from 18 January here.

Want to see more of Testersuite? Then request a no-obligation online demo!

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