Frequently asked questions
Find the answer to your question here. Please contact contact us if your question is not listed here!
General questions
Do I need to install software when I start Testersuite ?
Can I configure Testersuite to fit our own workflow?
Do I need training before I can work with Testersuite ?
I need support in setting up my testing process. Can you help with that?
We already have test cases. Can we import them into Testersuite?
What types of tests can I perform with Testersuite?
What software can I test with Testersuite ?
Are the prices at Testersuite all inclusive?
How often does Testersuite deliver new releases?
Is my data safe in Testersuite?
I get a message that the maximum number of users has been reached. How can I continue?
Questions about Testersuite FREE
Is the FREE version really free?
Can I start using Testersuite FREE right away?
How can I upgrade my FREE version to a PRO version?
Questions about Testersuite PRO
Can I start using Testersuite PRO right away?
Can I work with more than 100 users at the same time in the PRO version?
Can I link to other systems in the PRO version?
Can we use our own procurement and security terms and conditions when purchasing Testersuite PRO?
Questions about Testersuite PREMIUM
Do I have all the modules and functionalities available with Testersuite Premium?
What are the prices of Testersuite PREMIUM?