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What our customers say...
"Even people who do not test regularly can work fine with Testersuite and run test cases."
Amber Groenendijk

"A clear and simple way to convey what testing is"
Zuiderzeeland Water Board
René Terbijhe

"Testersuite is very user-friendly and intuitive. You can work with it almost immediately"
Koning Willem I College
Dorian de Groot

"With Testersuite you get a grip on the situation and stay transparent. For me, that's the biggest win."
Wendy Brown

"By using Testersuite , it is traceable in which test step something goes wrong."
Green Heart Hospital
Bas Geukes

"Testersuite is a tool that is easy, intuitive and no nonsense to use."
Red Cross Flanders
Tom Van Den Broeck

"As a tester, you can put everything you need into the test case build of Testersuite."
Municipality of Amsterdam
Andries Troost

"In Testersuite everything is registered centrally. Now we no longer have to search for everything together across numerous different systems."
Thomas Jansen

"Testersuite provides structure, creates insight, portability and control over the testing process."
Municipality of Groningen
Trea Bleker

"The approachability and ease of use of Testersuite is the way to bring non-IT people into the testing process."
Maastricht UMC+
Henk Egberink

"Our test-automation tool was not ideally set up. We rectified that by starting with Testersuite, among other things."
Henk van de Wardt

"Testersuite helps create a foundation for acceptance by, among other things, finding defects early in the testing phase."
Koen Janssen

"Tools like Testersuite are the future because you can manage and streamline test cycles very well."
Bart Kuunders