Testersuite Update - July 2017

July 14, 2017

At Testersuite we want to keep our customers well informed about new and improved features in Testersuite. The changes we make biweekly are described in release notes. Our customers can find these release notes in the online documentation. However, we see that customers also need some more explanation and want to see it. For that reason, we organize a Testersuite webinar several times a year.

On 4 July, we held our first webinar on this topic. This webinar was very well received by the participants. The webinar lasted 20 minutes and the participants had the opportunity to ask questions directly via the chat function.

New functions

During the webinar, we highlighted the following new features, among others:

  • Improved navigation (new main menu, breadcrumb trail etc.)
  • New Import Function
    The import function has been greatly improved and made available to our customers. Using a very user-friendly wizard, products, requirements, test cases, defects and users can be imported into Testersuite. Extensive validation and verification takes place so that the import runs smoothly.
  • Improved Export Function
    It has long been possible to export most information from Testersuite . We have now aligned the export function with the import function so that content can easily be transferred from one test cycle to another or even from one Testersuite environment to another (via export ➔ import).
  • From requirement directly to (create) test case and from test case directly to (create/start) test run...


Are you curious about these and other new features in Testersuite ? Then watch the recording of the Webinar here.

Do you have any questions about Testersuite or suggestions for new features? Let us know!

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