Tooling, we love it!

July 1, 2020

We love tooling! Tools ensure that we never forget a birthday, that the groceries are delivered to our homes and that we can easily tick off a night out. We also make full use of tools in our daily work. Sending an e-mail, word processing, video conferencing, keeping track of files, etc... But do you opt for generic software tools or do you go for specialist tools?

Testersuite Tooling

All inclusive Tooling?

The dream of many IT managers is one software tool that contains everything. Unfortunately, all-inclusive toolingis a utopia. You can ask the question whether this is really desirable. After all, who hasn't been given a gift that combines two worlds into one device? In theory, this is a nice idea, but in practice it just doesn't work. At least, if your requirements differ from the standard offered. When, as an IT professional, you purchase a software tool, you need to be aware of which processes you want to automate with the tooling and whether the processes are done justice.

Shoemaker and last

Not everything was better in the past. But many old wisdoms still stand firm. The cobbler sticking to his last is an example of this. Looking at the software testing process, we see numerous applications that provide a test management module. At the same time, there are plenty of examples where this simply does not work. Why? Because the testing profession is a specialism that needs to be focused on. It is not a 'thing' you just add to it. The reverse is also true. When a test management tool also delivers an ERP module, this may be questioned.

Tooling, links and integrations

The motto is therefore: buy specialised software tools. Pay attention to the possibilities of links and integrations. More and more applications have standard integrations or links to other tools. Incidentally, you do not need to be a programmer to realise a link between tools. Applications such as Zapier and help you to create the links you want step by step.

Testersuite has integrations with Jira, TOPdesk and ICTestautomation, among others. In addition, Testersuite has its own API. Our specialists are happy to help link Testersuite with other systems.

Start your testing process with Testersuite FREE

Getting started with a test management tool can be very easy. Without cost and hassle and within two minutes. Testersuite FREE supports the entire testing process from creating and executing test cases to recording test findings. With up to five users you can demonstrate in practice the added value of a good test tool. Then it's a lot easier to convince management. From there you can purchase Testersuite PRO or PREMIUM to get started with more colleagues.

Click on the button below and create a Testersuite FREE environment within two minutes. Without our intervention and without a credit card. Feel free to try it, no strings attached.

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