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Testersuite Winter School Open Demo Sessions

December 1, 2021

Testersuite Open Demo Sessions

Following the success of the Testersuite Summer School, Testersuite is organizing the free Winter School sessions 2022. In these free sessions, we will show in an approachable and playful way how easily you can professionalize your organization's testing process.

Coffee mug and a book with title knowledge

Information Testersuite Winter School sessions:

  • Who are these sessions for? - For anyone with little or no experience with test management tools.
  • Is it really free? - Yep, it's absolutely free.
  • How much time do I spend on it? - About 50 minutes.
  • On which dates are the sessions? - On 4 January at 10:00 or on 6 January at 15:00.
  • What do I need to attend the session? - You will receive a Teams-link by email to participate. A Teams account is not necessary.
  • Are the demo sessions recorded? No, because of AVG issues and stuff. But if you are unable to attend, you can always send an e-mail for a separate demo session.
  • I am not tied to anything when I participate, am I? - Nope, only to more knowledge regarding test management 😉 😉 I'm not tied to anything if I participate.

Where can I register?

You can register for the Winter School sessions via this link. The webinar is in Dutch.

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