Testersuite Signs solution partnership with TOPdesk

February 27, 2015

Testersuite signed a solution partnership with TOPdesk, provider of standard service management software, in the first quarter of 2015. This has made available a powerful tool for structured testing of TOPdesk changes. After all, the successful implementation of changes depends largely on the extent to which the changes are properly tested.

topdesk testing
TOPdesk integration with Testersuite.

Integration between TOPdesk and Testersuite

The jointly developed integration between TOPdesk and Testersuite enables changes handled in TOPdesk to be tested in Testersuite. In addition to structured change testing, the link also encourages the reuse of test cases created in the past. It also offers a solution for organizations that face challenges in providing evidence for IT audits.


TOPdesk and Testersuite expect the partnership to further unburden their joint customers on the cutting edge of test management and IT service management. Both TOPdesk and Testersuite attach great importance to the user-friendliness of their solutions, making the link easy to implement and use.

About TOPdesk

TOPdesk focuses on developing user-friendly and affordable service management solutions for all types of organizations. TOPdesk is market leader in the Benelux and supports more than 4000 customers with its software.

About Testersuite

‍Testersuite provides low-threshold but very powerful and complete test management solutions on a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) basis. Using Testersuite , structured testing and reuse of testware becomes easy and insightful.

For questions about the linkage and partnership, contact Testersuite at info@testersuite.nl.

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