Testersuite main sponsor of TestNet

January 30, 2015

Twice a year TestNet, the association for Dutch testing professionals, organizes a major event focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of testing. In 2015, Testersuite is the main sponsor of TestNet for both the Spring Event on Thursday, April 30, and the Fall Event on Wednesday, October 14.

At both events Testersuite will be present throughout the day to provide demos and advice on the deployment of test tools in the areas of test management and defect management. It is also possible to experience the convenience of our solutions for yourself through a free trial.

defect management
TestNet Event 2015

Messengers for the King

The theme of the Spring Event is 'Messengers for the King', referring to the role of testers in reporting on the quality of the tested products. In addition, as a nod to the date 30 April as the former Queen's Day. When the quality turns out to be substandard, it is a challenge for the tester to get this message across at the right level - that of 'the king'.

The deployment of Testersuite or Defectsuite not only allows for full support of the testing process, but also provides an opportunity for comprehensive reporting on testing progress, test coverage and risks. This makes it easy to proclaim the message, should "the king" not have already looked into the reports himself of course....

Summer School

In addition to the spring and fall events, Testersuite , as the main sponsor, also organizes a so-called Summer School. During this summer continuing education, participants are trained in the use of Testersuite and how to reason about reporting needs already when setting up an test cycle .

Save the date

Make a note of the following dates in your agenda:
TestNet Spring Event, Thursday 30 April, NBC, Nieuwegein
TestNet Summerschool, nntb, NBC, Nieuwegein
TestNet Autumn Event, Wednesday 14 October, NBC, Nieuwegein

See you then!

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