Testersuite defects handling in JIRA

December 16, 2016

Testersuite includes by default a module for recording and handling test findings. The defects created in Testersuite can easily be transferred to JIRA. Your external IT partner and/or your SCRUM team can then handle the Testersuite defects in JIRA. Thereby, the defects in Testersuite and the corresponding issues in JIRA are continuously kept in sync. Any changes in JIRA are immediately implemented in Testersuite and vice versa through the JIRA link.

Stay informed about defects through JIRA link

When a defect is transferred to JIRA then the associated attachments and comments are also transferred. The defect in Testersuite and the issue in JIRA are linked from that moment on. Status changes, changes in attachments and comments are kept the same back and forth. In this way, the tester of the defect in Testersuite is always kept up to date on the status of his defect being picked up in JIRA.

Schema JIRA coupling with Testersuite
Schema JIRA coupling with Testersuite

Next version

Another version of the Testersuite - JIRA link will be available in early 2017. In this version, it will be possible to transfer user-stories in JIRA to Testersuite. In Testersuite , a requirement is created for each JIRA user-story. The requirements (JIRA user-stories) are then tested in Testersuite where test findings are directly linked to the requirements. With standard reports in Testersuite you have continuous insight into the test progress and coverage of the requirements.

Are you interested in the standard Testersuite - JIRA link? If so, please contact us. We can set up the link for you within one day.

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