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Looking for a test management tool? Download the checklist

August 5, 2024

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Looking for a test management tool

Are you looking for a test management tool? Then of course it is important to know what features are valuable to you in order to purchase the right tool.

Consider, for example, the ability to enter your test scenarios and manage them centrally. You also want to run tests and capture test results in the tool. And, of course, you want to create and manage defects .

But what functionalities do test management tools actually offer? And more importantly, what is important for your organization to be successful with a test management tool?

Functionalities and more...

In addition to the desired functionalities, there are also to other aspects that play an important role such as:

The usability of the tool:

  • You want various people such as key users, functional administrators, etc. test tasks with the tool. So it is important that the tool is approachable and user-friendly.
  • Are only test specialists working with the test tool? So what does that say about usability?

But also supplier-related issues such as:

  • Does the test tool vendor have a proven track record?
  • How is support arranged and is good documentation available?
  • Security:
    • Is the data you store in the tool secure?
    • Is the tool vendor certified for information security (e.g., ISO27001)?

The right test management tool

There are many different test management tools in the market. And every test tool vendor claims to have the best solution for you. But how do you know if this is correct? How do you find the tool best suited for your organization, project and testing process?

To answer all these questions, there is a widely used checklist created by experienced testing professionals. This complete list contains requirements that you can fill in for your organization. It includes both functional requirements and non-functional requirements (such as security, support and vendor related issues).

Get the checklist

Make your search for a suitable testing tool easier. Request the checklist here or send an email to, and we'll send you this generic checklist prepared by experienced testing professionals.

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