Adult test processes in the care sector still a long way off

June 1, 2018

Anyone familiar with Testersuite has heard the question from us many times: How mature are your testing processes? A question that constantly concerns us at Testersuite. But also a question that every CIO, IT manager and professional tester must constantly ask themselves. After all, the testing profession is not about finding faults but about covering risks as well as possible. And that requires a mature test approach.

Doctor testing behind a computer

What is the maturity stage of your testing process?

As an exhibitor, we took advantage of the Zorg & ICT trade fair this year to ask IT professionals in the healthcare sector about the maturity of their test processes. For 75% of the respondents it turned out that someone is responsible for propagating the standard test approach. More remarkable are the following defects:

  • Only 33% can properly assess whether IT changes have undesirable impact
  • Only 24% use existing scripts when testing IT changes
  • More than 70% use Excel as a test management tool

These scores can be called remarkable. Certainly in view of the desire of many IT people to eventually make the step to automated testing.

Better care through better testing

The above defects calls for an example of how test processes can be taken to the next level. The professionalisation of the test process at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital for testing the Electronic Patient File is a fine example. They will be happy to share this case with you on 26 June at 14:00 in a 30-minute webinar. You can register using the button below.

I don't want to miss this!

And the winner is...

A little something goes a long way. We raffled off a holiday trip to the Belgian coast among all the participants of our Zorg & ICT survey. The lucky winner is Jolanda de Boe, test manager at the Rivierenland hospital in Tiel. Congratulations!

Jolanda de Boe receives travel check from Frank Paymans (Testersuite)
Jolanda de Boe receives travel check from Frank Paymans (Testersuite))

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