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Integration Jira in Testersuite available!

September 12, 2022

Standard Jira integration

One of the most widely used planning and project tools in IT is Jira. For some time, Testersuite has included an integration with Jira as standard. Through this integration, user stories from Jira are tested in Testersuite. Conversely, defects registered in Testersuite is picked up again in Jira. In this way, Testersuite integrates seamlessly with many different processes, from software development to compliancy processes.  

Atlassian Jira logo

All your Testersuite environments

We are not sitting still in terms of developing this integration. For example, with the recent release of Testersuite , we realized the ability to link all your Testersuite environments with Jira. You can link multiple Testersuite environments to the same Jira site, or use a separate Jira instance for each environment. A great opportunity to highlight how this integration works and the new functionality.

What does the integration between Testersuite and Jira do?

What does it mean when two systems have a link with each other and when may one speak of an integration? A linkage between Testersuite and Jira simply involves placing a reference to a Jira issue in a Testersuite item and vice versa. The integration between Testersuite and Jira goes beyond this. For example, user stories and test findings are kept in sync between the two applications.

Jira & Testersuite: a love story

When you define user stories in Jira, you naturally want to be able to test them reliably. The integration makes this possible by retrieving your Jira user stories as requirements in Testersuite. Import individual user stories to existing test cycles in Testersuite, or start new test cycles based on your ongoing Jira sprints.

Just as easily, you then transfer defects in Testersuite back to Jira. Through your configurable mapping, these items are kept in sync. Of course, this works both ways, including for custom fields, comment lines and attachments. So you never have to look far for the most up-to-date information.

Testersuite jira integration flow chart
Schematic representation of Jira integration

What does this mean for my various Testersuite environments?

Now that you can use the integration with Jira within all your Testersuite environments, this of course opens up even more possibilities. For example, do you have different teams in separate environments? Then this way your data and test set is even better focused.  

By intelligently setting permissions in Jira, you ensure that the right Testersuite users can get to the right information from. Need an extra level of differentiation? Then it's even possible to link different Testersuite environments to completely separate Jira sites.

Want to know more?

View help documentation on this topic by clicking on the question mark in the upper right corner of your Testersuite screen. Still have questions? Then click here to send us an email.

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