Free test tool - fast - easy - in the cloud

August 5, 2019

It has now become part of our daily lives; using good useful and free apps that make our lives easier. Think for example WhatsApp, Instagram, Gmail, Google Calendar, Skype etc.. It is no different in the business world. There are countless examples of this. Reason enough to get acquainted with Testersuite Free, the free testing tool.

Testing with spreadsheets

For many testers it is a familiar (scary) image. Complicated spreadsheets filled with test scripts, test scenarios and fields to process defects (defects) and accompanying screen shots. Boring, confusing and not exactly inviting for testers whose primary task is not testing. For the test coordinator and test manager who have to process all the data from the spreadsheets, it is no fun either. We think there is room for improvement, fully fed by the philosophy enclosed in our DNA that mature test management should be made simple.

Free testing tool Testersuite Free

Testersuite Free is a very user-friendly free testing tool that puts a streamlined testing process at your fingertips. Test products can be easily registered and managed. The powerful workflow functionality promotes collaboration between administrator, testers and developers. And Testersuite Free can be used for multiple test cycles simultaneously. Whether extensive test cycles or small changes.

One of the tenets of Testersuite free is powerful simplicity. As mentioned earlier, as a test manager or test coordinator, you don't want to get tangled up in numerous different spreadsheets. Therefore, in Testersuite Free we have made it possible to define which persons are granted access per test cycle . These can be internal but also external persons. So it is possible to give an external party such as a vendor access to a test cycle and let them test along or defects on it. How simple can it be, working together centrally with one up-to-date overview! As a test manager, you naturally want to stay up to date on your test projects at all times. With the standard reports in Testersuite Free you stay up to date on the progress of the test cycles.

Business man trying to choke himself with tie.
Convince your boss

Convince your boss

As the above shows, Testersuite Free is an ideal tool for taking the first steps toward a mature testing process. Thousands of testers have already experienced this. Because Testersuite Free is a free testing tool and a SaaS tool, you can be "up and running" within 2 minutes. So you don't have to deal with budget requests, procurement procedures, implementation procedures, etc.. All you need to do is create your own environment by clicking the button below.

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