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Successful customer day Testersuite

November 19, 2018

The somewhat devout environment with the particularly ambitious name Kontakt der Kontinenten was the scene this year for the annual Testersuite customer day. The gathered Testersuite users were presented with an interesting program. Noteworthy was the presentation on blockchain testing where attendees were surprised with something new from the past....

Testersuite users discuss

Frank Paymans kicked off this informative afternoon. Testersuite users were taken through the updates of the past year. In addition, a glimpse was given of updates to come with upcoming releases and ambitions for 2019 were presented.

It is good practice at Testersuite to listen to users' wishes. Within the Testersuite team the statement "we want to make fans" is regularly quoted for good reason. And so, during the customer day, space was given to Testersuite users to discuss in groups how to get from good to better. This generated interesting wishes and ideas that will be worked out by the Testersuite team in the coming months.

Testersuite users in debate with eachother

Comeback waterfall methodology?

During Filip Joele's closing presentation on testing Blockchain technology, an old acquaintance came around the corner; the waterfall methodology. This much to everyone's consternation. The for many still unfathomable technology behind blockchain appears, as far as is known now, to lend itself well to the waterfall methodology. Very remarkable in a rapidly changing world where everyone is talking about scrum and agile working. It therefore made for a very interesting if entertaining discussion among the Testersuite users during the closing drinks.

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