Digital hay fever

April 24, 2019

With 'The Digital Spring' TestNet announces this year's spring event. Hundreds of testers will gather like happy lambs in the TestNet spring meadow on 15 May to celebrate the digital spring. But what does the digital spring entail...?


If we extend the metaphor of the digital spring, we see an image of IT people who are hormonally buzzing and easily fall in love with new systems. Everything looks sunnier and therefore a new application is more easily purchased.

Testersuite leaflet and candy.
Testersweets 2x daily against digital hay fever

And with the first flush of springtime love, the flaws are easily swept away. But just as inevitable as the arrival of the digital spring is the arrival of digital hay fever. All newly born bits and bytes can cause terrible irritation to the digital airways. They are not called 'bugs' for nothing. Little annoying bugs that can cause employees to suddenly call in sick. And then the digital spring starts to look less sunny after all.

The cure

For example, digital spring hay fever can cause the digital summer to be hot, dry or just soaking wet, resulting in a dried-up or washed-out bottom line. And that's not what you want as an IT manager. Fortunately, there is such a thing as a good cure for all this digital spring suffering. Namely, a professional and intuitive test management tool. Testersuite allows test managers to prepare, execute and keep a grip on the test cycle . A mature testing process is what we call it. If you, as a test manager, want to get through the digital spring unscathed, this is no superfluous luxury. With Testersuite you, as a test manager, ensure that the digital summer will be soft and pleasant.

Long-term result

If we may continue to communicate in metaphors for a while then. A digital spring will eventually be followed by a digital winter. What once looked very promising will one day be on its way back. This means that renewal and/or improvement must be worked on in order to make the step to a new digital spring. Again, Testersuite continues to provide solutions. By combining previously performed tests as regression tests with new test cases, the test manager remains constantly "in control" of the testing process. In doing so, he can stay ahead of a new impending digital hay fever in the inevitably returning digital spring.

As a symbol against digital hay fever, we are pleased to offer you our Testersweets. Our advice is to take them twice a day. If you come across us on TestNet, don't hesitate to ask!

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