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Certifications Testersuite renewed!

June 22, 2023

Certifications Testersuite renewed again! Improve the world, start with yourself. As the Dutch number 1 in test management tools, Testersuite has been 'tested' again by TÜV Netherlands. The result is that our ISO and NEN certifications have been extended again.


As a specialist in test management, we value the reduction of risks and errors. That is what testing is all about. To offer our customers certainty, we have chosen to have the security of our application, processes and services tested and certified according to recognised standards. These include the ISO27001 standard and the NEN7510 standard.

ISO27001 and NEN7510 certification logos


The ISO27001 standard is a risk-based ISMS (Information Security Management System). The starting point of the standard is that an organisation documents which (personal) data it processes and indicates in which information systems these are stored. Based on the defects and the classification of the (personal) data, the company implements policies, procedures and controls to secure the data. More information about the ISO27001 standard can be found here.


The NEN7510 standard focuses specifically on the healthcare sector in the Netherlands and is based on ISO27001. The Netherlands Standardization Institute has developed this standard for information security within the healthcare sector. This standard contains specific additional focus points in the areas of privacy protection, access to patient data, data exchange and recording actions on the electronic patient record. So our healthcare customers can also use Testersuite with peace of mind.

Anonymising data

Testersuite always advocates the use of anonymized test data. If production data does end up in Testersuite , the customer can rest assured that the data entered is safe, confirming the ISO27001 standard and the NEN7510 standard. In addition, the Testersuite application offers the functionality to anonymize(personal) data.

Read here more about how Testersuite handles continuous improvement. ‍‍

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