Blockchain testing
November 8, 2018
Admittedly, the title of this blog is rather ambitious; blockchain testing. Because how do you do that? Are there any known cases of this and is blockchain actually testable? It also raises the question whether blockchain testing is something for the distant or near future. Are there already organisations working with this technology and what is its impact on the IT landscape?
Visionaries predict a world in which blockchain technology will change the world. The most daring visions sketch a world in which bankers, notaries, accountants, etc... are superfluous. For some a relief and for others a fear. There is also the question of what the effect will be on the IT sector as we know it today. Who knows?

Blockchain applications
Blockchain has become known to the general public through crypto-currencies such as bitcoin. But in the meantime, more services have embraced blockchain technology. This technology offers interesting perspectives for a number of industries:
- Logistics; shipping goods requires mountains of administration. Blockchain technology can offer a solution here
- Real estate; less fun for the notary but interesting for the buyer
- Social Media; posting without censorship
- Identity management; for checking personal data
- Payments; what can be done with crypto money can also be applied to existing money flows
Exactly what the future will look like no one knows. But that developments are rapid is certain. What seems like the future today may be reality tomorrow. We realize this all too well at Testersuite . And that is reason enough to do something about it.
Blockchain testing. But how?
During Testersuite 's annual customer day on Nov. 15, we're going to tackle the topic of blockchain testing head on. We will do this with guest speaker Filip Joele, Agile Quality Coach at Sogeti. Filip has been interested in - and involved in - Blockchain developments for some time. For example, he is concerned with what is different now when testing Blockchain Solutions. And are there things that remain unchanged? Hopefully these questions will be answered. But of course, Filip will first give an introduction to "what exactly is Blockchain and how does it work...?"
Are you a customer of Testersuite and want to be at the customer day? Then sign up here as well. Please note the number of available places is limited.