Visit us at the Quality Automation Day!

May 13, 2016

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Sogeti is organizing the Quality Automation Day. A day that will be completely dedicated to all developments in the field of test tools. Testersuite , as a loyal partner of Sogeti, is a sponsor of the Quality Automation Day. We will be present all day with a booth at the information market. We will give live demos and advise on the selection, implementation and use of test tools.

The need for test tools

In a dynamic world where everything is connected, testers and developers have more and more on their plate. Requirements regarding quality, performance, security and time-to-market put great pressure on the testing process. In order to cope with this pressure, it is necessary to make smart use of the right test tools. It is of great importance that the preconditions for the use of test tools have been met. How can you select and optimally use the necessary tools to support the testing process? What are the preconditions for success?

These and many other questions will be answered during the Quality Automation Day.


Besides a plenary programme in the morning, you can choose from more than 10 sessions during which you can get a taste of the latest developments, tools and practical cases from various organisations, such as KPN, ING and Prorail.

09:00 - 09:30 Reception
09:30 - 10:55 First part plenary programme
10:55 - 11:15 Break and information market
11:15 - 12:00 Second part plenary programme
12:00 - 13:00 Sub-sessions round 1
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch and information market
14:00 - 16:00 Sub-sessions round 2 and 3
16:00 - 17:30 Drinks

Will we see you there?

If you are interested in developments in the field of testing tools then don't miss this day! There is no fee to participate. We welcome you to the Testersuite booth.

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