"Everything about Testersuite is convenience. You can pull an unknown person off their bike, so to speak, and have them work with Testersuite "
Customizable test step labels
It is now possible to customize the labels of your test steps. By default, the labels are 'Description', 'Data' and 'Expected Result', but perhaps a 'Given', 'When', 'Then' structure suits your workflow better. This way you can make your test cases even more compatible with different test processes.
Create multiple test runs simultaneously
Select the test cases or test scenarios that are ready to be tested, and create a test run for each item in one click. Important data for the new test runs are automatically populated based on the information in the test cases or test scenarios.
Link Jira with all your Testersuite environments
The powerful environment functionality of Testersuite can now be combined with our Jira integration. This allows you to create requirements in all your Testersuite environments using Jira user stories, and synchronize your defects to Jira as issues. You can link multiple Testersuite environments to the same Jira site, or use a separate Jira instance for each environment.
Link with TOPdesk
Do you want to be able to test TOPdesk changes properly in Testersuite? Do you want to easily demonstrate how changes have been tested during audits of your change process? Our standard link with the TOPdesk Change Management module has been improved. The link is now available based on the TOPdesk API, making it easy to configure and quick to use. For more information mail to info@testersuite.nl or request a demo via our website.
Role and task-oriented work
To make working with Testersuite even easier, the tasks on the dashboard have been modified. By default, users are offered only the tasks relevant to their role. So a business tester will see different tasks on his dashboard than a test coordinator. Users can then add, delete or move tasks themselves. In future releases, the number of tasks users can choose from will be expanded. For example, impact analysis tasks and exploratory testing tasks are going to be added.
Mandatory creation of defects
While running tests, testers can directly create defects . Do you want to require testers to create defects if the result of a test step is not good? Then you can set this up in the customization in Testersuite. That way, as a test coordinator, you never have to chase testers again because defects is missing.
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